Solar PV Fuse: An Inline fuse in MC4 Connector

26/02/2022 Slocable

Electrical and electronic devices all need some type of protection, which typically comes from fuses. Unlike circuit breakers, a fuse is a one-time protection that must be replaced after serving its purpose.

Electrical and electronic devices all need some type of protection, which typically comes from fuses. Unlike circuit breakers, a fuse is a one-time protection that must be replaced after serving its purpose.

Fuses are an important component in almost every electrical installation, protecting both equipment and personnel. The solar fuse, one of the earliest and simplest electrical inventions, has the job of being the weakest link in a circuit. When a fuse element is heated by the current to a certain temperature, it melts and interrupts the current. In this way, this inexpensive component prevents uncontrolled fault current or over-current from damaging a system. The fuse action speed of the DC fuse can reach the microsecond level, which means that its speed is much faster than that of the circuit breaker. This ability is usually more suitable for rapid cut-off requirements Installation and use under the circumstances.

A solar MC4 inline fuse holder includes a protective shell with a middle pass. Both ends of the protective shell are connected with a waterproof plug and a cap. The waterproof plug is located inside the cap and is provided with a threading hole.

It also includes a positioning bracket located inside the protective shell. The positioning bracket is provided with threading holes and a supporting arm and the supporting arm abuts against the inner wall of the protective shell. The positioning bracket is used to prevent the fuse from contacting the protective shell and causing burns to the shell.

Selecting the right fuse is critical in all electronic and electrical system designs. Catastrophic system failure can be prevented with the proper fuse. The MC4 fuse connector looks slightly different from other types of fuses, but it works in the same way. We put this fuse connector in automobiles to protect it. And it is also used in alternator, aiming to disconnect the circuit when the circuit is overloaded.

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